WebRTC Host

WebRTC Host

Hosting for Live Video Streaming Projects: Seamless, Affordable, and Feature-Rich Solutions for Your Live Streaming Needs

Enable broadcasts from your website (WebRTC), RTMP OBS, Larix Broadcaster mobile app, or RTSP IP cameras using our comprehensive solutions that cover live streaming server services, web applications, and all-inclusive platform solutions. Experience exceptional live video streaming with HTML5 WebRTC or HLS/MPEG-DASH technology.

Enjoy cost-effective plans that save you from the hassle of setting up and maintaining dedicated live streaming servers. Your live video streaming project can be up and running in days or even minutes!

Choose from a variety of web-based HTML5 live video streaming applications, including:

  • 1 to many live video broadcasting
  • Online video conferencing and meetings
  • Private 2-way video calls, free or paid
  • Live video collaboration and consultations
  • 24/7 online IP RTSP camera streaming with HTML5 HLS
  • Random video chat and speed video dating

Maximize revenue with our monetization features, such as:

  • Pay-per-minute live video streaming
  • Creator subscriptions, fan monetization
  • Gifts/tips with donation goals
  • Live stream room paywall
  • Paid site membership

Upgrade your live streaming experience with VideoWhisper – the ultimate solution for all your live streaming projects.

  • Live Streaming Technologies
    HTML5 P2P WebRTC using STUN/TURN for optimal latency, RTMP/RTSP to HTML5 HLS / MPEG-DASH .
  • Live Streaming Applications
    Supports 1 Way Live Broadcasting, 2 Way Video Chat/Call, Video Conference, Video Presentation/Collaboration, Video Recording, Live Video Archiving, Restreaming from IP Camera RTSP and other Sources
  • Scaling
    Use a relay streaming server to broadcast to multiple viewers at same time, more than a home internet connection would permit. Use one ore more plans, upgrade as necessary to scale your project. While regular P2P connections permit few connections per stream, with this technology a streaming server enables hundreds or thousands.
  • Reliability
    Reliable streaming between various devices and connections (including mobile networks) using a reliable streaming relay server.