Hosting Plans

Hosting Plans

Complete Streaming & VOD Hosting refers to live streaming server services + CPanel web hosting with VOD FFmpeg capabilities & WordPress Toolkit.
Does not include full mode for site software and services. For a turnkey setups with complete hosting and full mode streaming site software support, see Site 2 Stream turnkey streaming site plans.

➡️ Scrolling right may be required to see all available plans, depending on screen resolution: 

Complete Hosting w. Streaming

Host 0
Popular Choice
Host 1
Host 2
Host 3
Host 4
  • Total Stream Bitrate
  • Streams ~1064kbps
  • 2 Way Privates
  • Max Connections
  • Max Resolution
  • Max Frame Rate
  • Max Video Bitrate
  • Max Audio Bitrate
  • Storage Space (Gb)
  • Web Transfer (Gb/mo)
  • Web Memory
  • Web CPU (threads)
  • Web Disk IO
  • Web Threads / Requests
  • Addon Domains (extra sites)
  • Park Domains (multisite)
  • Sent Emails (hourly)
  • Max WordPress Plugins
  • 50 Mbps
  • 40+ streams
  • 10+ calls
  • 100
  • 854x480p
  • 24 fps
  • 1200 kbps
  • 64 kbps
  • 50 Gb
  • 500 Gb/mo
  • 2 Gb RAM
  • 1 CPU
  • 10 Mb/s IO
  • 20 req
  • No
  • No
  • 60 emails/h
  • 20
  • 100 Mbps
  • 90+ streams
  • 20+ calls
  • 200
  • 1280x720p HD
  • 30 fps
  • 2500 kbps
  • 128 kbps
  • 100 Gb
  • 1000 Gb/mo
  • 4 Gb RAM
  • 2 CPU
  • 20 Mb/s IO
  • 40 req
  • No
  • No
  • 120 emails/h
  • 30
  • 250 Mbps
  • 230+ streams
  • 50+ calls
  • 500
  • 1920x1080p FHD
  • 48 fps
  • 6000 kbps
  • 160 kbps
  • 1 000 Gb
  • 10 000 Gb/mo
  • 8 Gb RAM
  • 4 CPU
  • 40 Mb/s IO
  • 80 req
  • +1 site
  • +2 multi
  • unlimited
  • 50
  • 500 Mbps
  • 460+ streams
  • 110+ calls
  • 1000
  • 2560x1440p 2K
  • 60 fps
  • 10000 kbps
  • 192 kbps
  • 2000 Gb
  • 20000 Gb/mo
  • 24 Gb RAM
  • 8 CPU
  • 60 Mb/s IO
  • 120 req
  • +3 sites
  • +6 multi
  • unlimited
  • 70
  • 1000 Mbps
  • 900+ streams
  • 200+ calls
  • 2000
  • 3840x2160p 4K
  • 120 fps
  • 40000 kbps
  • 320 kbps
  • 4000 Gb
  • 40000 Gb/mo
  • 48 Gb RAM
  • 12 CPU
  • 100 Mb/s IO
  • 200 req
  • +8 sites
  • +10 multi
  • unlimited
  • 100

Remote: Streaming Only plans provide live streaming server services: WebRTC Signaling w. STUN/TURN + RTMP/HLS (OBS, mobile Larix Broadcaster app).
Website needs to run on a different web host and configured to use a Streaming Only setup for the streaming part. Sample live video streaming web apps & turnkey site solutions are available.
– These features refer only to live streaming server services (web hosting or full mode web software support not included).
– Certain site features require web host to have FFmpeg. Some features like RTSP re-streaming, archiving all streams server side, VOD as live stream, playlists are only available with complete plans, because web & streaming need access to same filesystem, local storage and specific streaming server configuration.

Streaming Only

Streaming 0
Popular Choice
Streaming 1
Streaming 2
Streaming 3
Streaming 4
  • Streams ~532kbps
  • 1 Way Viewers
  • 2 Way Privates
  • Max Resolution
  • Max Frame Rate
  • Max Video Bitrate
  • Max Audio Bitrate
  • Total Account Bitrate
  • Max Connections
  • 5
  • 3
  • 1
  • 640x360p
  • 15 fps
  • 750 kbps
  • 32 kbps
  • 2.7 Mbps
  • 10
  • 90
  • 45
  • 23
  • 854x480p
  • 24 fps
  • 1200 kbps
  • 64 kbps
  • 50 Mbps
  • 100
  • 180
  • 90
  • 45
  • 1280x720p HD
  • 30 fps
  • 2500 kbps
  • 128 kbps
  • 100 Mbps
  • 200
  • 460
  • 230
  • 110
  • 1920x1080p FHD
  • 48 fps
  • 6000 kbps
  • 160 kbps
  • 250 Mbps
  • 500
  • 930
  • 460
  • 230
  • 2560x1440p 2K
  • 60 fps
  • 10000 kbps
  • 192 kbps
  • 500 Mbps
  • 1000
  • 1800
  • 900
  • 450
  • 3840x2160p 4K
  • 120 fps
  • 40000 kbps
  • 320 kbps
  • 1000 Mbps
  • 2000
  • Free Developers accounts are available for limited time and may be discontinued or changed  anytime in the future. You get a token key and server address instantly, after contact email confirmation. If you have trouble receiving confirmation check Spam folders and use a Gmail address.
    Registration is subject to terms and policies referenced on VideoWhisper websites including Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, Support Policy.
  • For even better latency, accounts can be deployed on servers in locations close to users. Further scaling could implement load balancing with different accounts in different locations. Consult VideoWhisper and specify where are your users from, for options and suggestions.
  • After ordering, if you already have a free account, it can be adjusted for seamless project upgrade without need to change key.
  • If you need clarifications, suggestions for solutions/services or assistance with installation/configuration, Consult Support.
  • Purchases include installation assistance, per Terms and Conditions below & Support Policy.
  • The VideoWhisper P2P WebRTC signaling server can also be installed on own dedicated server. Installation services are available from $200/server depending on features required.

Free (Bonus) Installation / Configuration is included for all proposed and available features.

Suitability, Limitations and Special Requirements for Streaming Only plans

Multiple features depend on existing web hosting, where solution web scripts are deployed.
RTMP stream snapshots are only available if FFMPEG and involved codecs are available and accessible on web hosting where solution is deployed. 

Remote Streamings plans are not suitable for regular budget web hosts that don’t include necessary video tools like FFmpeg and HTML5 codecs. Ex: GoDaddyHostGator. Most budget web hosts will not provide, allow or support FFmpeg on their shared plans.

Limitations for Remote Streaming

These features are not available when using streaming remotely:

  • archiving streams on streaming server side, because streams go trough streaming server and require hosting space
  • accessing WebRTC streams (P2P)
  • scheduling playlists, because configuration smil files need to be managed on streaming server
  • re-streams of RTSP (IP cam) or other streams, because configuration stream files need to be managed on streaming server

Requirements for Remote Streaming

These requirements are needed on web host, where solution web scripts are deployed:
FFMPEG Requirements:  For adaptive streaming between various types of sources and player devices, advanced solutions like involve on demand dynamic transcoding between different encodings specific to webrtc, rtmp, rtsp, hls.  Adaptive various input and output types can’t be setup as static transcoding configurations as each channel can be broadcast/playback using different methods, that adapt dynamically to broadcaster and viewers.
Latest FFMPEG is required with codecs like H264, AAC, Opus, Speex, NellyMoser depending on input/output formats that need to be supported. Also server configuration must allow process to be called by web scripts, with necessary resources and for necessary streaming duration.
For generating snapshots, process needs permissions to write the snapshot file in web account files. For VPS and dedicated servers, FFMPEG installation is available for additional fees.
– Web Access Requirements: Videochat applications require Session Control to manage streaming access and status, show live webcams as online. Session Control involves streaming server requests to web server, in order to authorize and update streaming sessions. Some web hosting rules or web firewalls (including CloudFlare) may reject web requests from streaming server. Also plugins/settings that prevent access without login to wp-admin/admin-ajax.php (from streaming server). If advanced administrative assistance to configure such access is not available, the turnkey complete plans are recommended,  On complete plans access is already available on same server and experienced administrators can also assist with web related issues.

Web based live video streaming requires streaming server services for WebRTC signaling and transmitting WebRTC stream data between internet users that can’t connect directly.
– Remote WebRTC Only streaming services refer to latency optimal P2P live streaming based on the VideoWhisper WebRTC server (signaling) + a STUN/TURN server for relaying.
– For P2P WebRTC streams are encoded, encrypted and transmitted between each 2 peers, although encrypted data usually needs to be relayed through a TURN server because most internet users can’t directly connect to each other.
– Plans are recommend for optimal latency and quality in private calls or high interactivity scenarios.

Free Developers Account

Free accounts are designed for testing by 1-3 developers with constrained quality settings. Supports WebRTC & RTMP/HLS live video streaming.

Streams ~532kbps

1 Way Viewers

2 Way Privates

Max Resolution

Max Frame Rate

Max Bitrate

Max Audio Bitrate

Total Account Bitrate

Max Connections





15 fps

750 kbps

32 kbps

2.7 Mbps


Free Developers accounts are available for limited time and may be discontinued or changed  anytime in the future. You streaming details to configure streaming instantly, after contact email confirmation. If you have trouble receiving confirmation check Spam folders and use a Gmail address.
After registration and email confirmation you will also receive credentials to login and configure your account from My Accounts .
Registration is subject to terms and policies referenced on VideoWhisper websites including Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, Support Policy.

Hosting Plans

WebRTC live streaming is available with:

  • Turnkey Streaming Site plans that include web, streaming + full mode site application support from $100/month
  • Complete Hosting plans that include web + streaming hosting from $50/month
  • Streaming Only plans that only provide streaming server services from $30/month

Browse plans that provide WebRTC live streaming:

Own VPS / Server

The VideoWhisper P2P WebRTC signaling server can be deployed on own dedicated server or VPS.  Professional installation services are available and start from $200/setup depending on features required.

  • Working Linux distribution (preferably CentOS, CloudLinux or similar)
  • SSL certificate for a pointed domain, accessible as crt & key files (can be retrieved from WHM), intermediary certificate
  • open ports:
    • 3000 TCP = NodeJS server (WSS + HTTPS), customizable
    • 3478 UDP = WebRTC STUN/TURN discovery. Other: 5349 for TLS, 19305/19307 Google STUN server.
    • 6970-10000 UDP = WebRTC live streaming.
  • Starting Hardware: VPS  with +4 CPU cores, 8Gb RAM, 250Mbps connection.

Access: hosting control panel and phpMyAdmin access to deploy MySQL part (if accounts, plan restrictions, stats are needed).
Not included: SSL certificate installation and configuration for domain and crt/key files (must be already available), unless using WHM.

Feature limitations: P2P WebRTC is limited to live video streaming over WebRTC and is not optimized for 1 to many scaling. Other live streaming capabilites are NOT supported (i.e. RTMP/RTSP to HLS) and require a specific relay streaming server.

Optional: RTMP/HLS stream management module for VideoWhisper NodeJS server and Nginx with specific configuration can be added for extra $300, for a total price of $500/setup. The extra module provides integration features between streaming and web server, required to control streaming (broadcast and playback) with PINs and list live streams on site with special callbacks.

Available capacity based on resources refers to estimates. Exact numbers may differ depending on project.
We offer complete consulting services to plan and obtain the best live streaming technology for your project, with live streaming capabilities, bonuses, perks to get your project started quickly and efficiently. These plans refer to the streaming and hosting capabilities that make live streaming possible, not turnkey website platform and frontend.
Contact if you’re not sure what type of hosting and capacity you need for your project.

Streaming Resources

  • Total Account Bitrate : Limitation on maximum streaming bitrate that can be used for an account, by adding maximum video + audio bitrate of all connected broadcasters and players.
  • Streams ~1064bps : An estimate for maximum number of simultaneous streams that could be supported with video bitrate set at 1000kbps and audio bitrate at 64kbps. Higher quality reduces capacity.
  • 1 Way Viewers : Maximum simultaneous viewers a broadcaster can stream to when also watching own preview, based on streams estimate. For P2P WebRTC, broadcaster encodes and transmits stream separately, so for each viewer. TURN server needs to handle 2 streams (in and out). Due to P2P upload limitations it’s not a recommended use case.
  • 2 Way Privates : Maximum simultaneous 2 way video calls, where both users broadcast and watch video, based on streams estimate. For each call, TURN server receives 2 streams and sends 2 streams (one for each user).
  • Max Resolution : Maximum video resolution.
  • Max Frame Rate : Maximum video frame rate.
  • Max Bitrate : Maximum video bitrate.
  • Max Audio Bitrate : Maximum audio bitrate.
  • Max Connections : Maximum simultaneous connections (streams). This limitations makes sense when account also handles audio only streaming and streaming bitrate limit is not reached first.

P2P Limitations: Peer to peer streaming requires broadcaster to stream a separate stream to each of the peers. This is optimal for latency on private calls or 1 to few viewers.  P2P for 1 to many viewers requires great processing resources and upload connection bitrate.
For scaling to 1 to many scenarios, Wowza SE relaying is recommended, where broadcaster publishes only 1 stream to server and server distributes that stream to all room viewers.

Streaming using Wowza SE

  • Monthly Transfer (Gb/mo) limits total transfer available each month for streaming (all live streaming protocols). For Complete plans there is also additional allocation of Web Transfer (Gb/mo) for web requests (http, ftp, mail) .
  • Active Viewers number is an estimation of viewers capacity based on available plan streaming bitrate, for 600kbps 360p streams.  Resolutions of 360p and lower are suitable for web streaming, videochat, video conferencing apps with chat and other interface elements sharing same screen. Full screen video requires higher resolution for good quality. Higher stream quality/bitrate will require more server bitrate and result in lower simultaneous users capacity.
  • Connections Limit is maximum number of streams that can be active at same time (for broadcast or playback). Not really relevant unless project involves audio only streaming and bitrate limits are not reached first. For 1 way streaming, each user consumes 1 stream. For 2 way video calls, each consumes 2 (broadcast + playback). In conferencing / collaboration rooms, each user can consume multiple streams.
  • Average Bitrate (mbps) is calculated based on monthly transfer. It’s an estimation of average bandwidth required to consume monthly transfer fluently 24/7, not a plan limit.
  • Serving Bitrate (mbps) is maximum server to clients bitrate limit (2x average bitrate). Mainly refers to bitrate consumed by stream viewers.
  • Client Upload / Resolution (kbps) limits bitrate a client can broadcast to server (and maximum resolution for good stream quality). High bitrate per user limits reduces number of maximum users. Resolution is not limited, is only included as guideline for quality streaming within that bitrate. For low movement scenes as static background videoconference and videochat, lower bitrate is required compared to high motion videos, sports or games.

Web Hosting

  • Storage Space is fully available for your website files and data on a multiple disks RAID configuration for better performance & reliability compared to single disk setups. Account files are usually stored in RAID5 and MySQL data in RAID1.
  • VideoWhisper provides mainly consulting services. Other types of services may be provided as bonuses, perks to clients or for free (as the P2P WebRTC Developers plan) based on registration.
  • These plans refer to hosting capabilities that make live streaming features possible, not platform (website) frontend. Proposed technical solutions involve hardware, software, communication technologies and training, know how & assistance to setup / run / configure / customize various features and functionalities on own platform.
    Consulting services are provided for choosing and obtaining appropriate server hardware & software (from various providers), configurations, website software, services, technologies, installations & integrations to make the advertised features possible on own client platform. Delivery of these plans includes instructions (training) to access / use main features, configure for own specific needs, priority support (per support terms on contact pages).
  • Any services are provided per VideoWhisper Terms of Service / Use .
  • Installation of all features on complete hosted plans requires pointing your domain/subdomain to the compatible hosting account. Setup on other host with remote streaming involves feature limitations and is possible only with specific web host requirements (usually not available on regular web hosts).
  • If you don’t have a domain registered for this project, yet, you can register a new domain for your project. Use coupon: videowhisper with suggested registar or use any other dedicated registrar.
    Please make sure you register a non-offensive domain that meets Terms of Use and will not cause disruptions with service providers (domain registrars, data centers, billing websites). 
  • The hosted accounts and proposed technical solutions do not come pre-loaded with content. VideoWhisper provides services related to technical solutions exclusively, and not site content. 
  • Subscriptions are billed automatically until canceled and service is renewed on each charge. Subscriptions can be canceled anytime from the billing site where order was placed. Cancellation can be done from billing site where you ordered (Stripe, BlueSnap, PayPal), not by technical support. If you wish to terminate a subscription, make sure you cancel it before next billing date, to stop renewal.
    – If you ordered on Stripe, use Stripe Customer Portal to manage your subscription and billing details, with your order email, pe Stripe Terms.
    – If you ordered on BlueSnap, you can Manage billing details / subscriptions / invoices – web based and automated (does not involve support), on billing site per BlueSnap billing Terms and Conditions. To manage BlueSnap billing, you can retrieve credentials from BlueSnap site (use order number and order email to get account details), for each order. When ordering through a reseller like BlueSnap Inc, you are buying the services from that reseller.
  • Support: Although VideoWhisper provides complete consulting and various bonuses/perks, each business owner is running own site / platform.
    This involves some time, patience, technical abilities for website management or willingness to learn. Additional site staff (webmaster/consultant) can be used to run and manage own site, depending on volume and feature complexity.
    VideoWhisper can assist with configuring/troubleshooting proposed solution plugins, suggesting 3rd party plugins/services, clarifications. 
  • Services can only be provided to websites that meet all legal requirements for their specific activity/content and do not abuse network:
    – Copyrights Terms: As hosting servers are located in Canada, the Notice and Notice Regime applies (not US DMCA).
    – Usage Terms: VideoWhisper Terms of Use, Privacy Policy apply for consulting services and support, Site2Stream Terms & Website Services Contract for site services.

Proposed hosting resources are realistic for video streaming. Bandwidth is a statistical tool for estimating hosting requirements.
The real hosting limits are hosting resources (CPU, memory, connection). Bandwidth limitations are designed to assist in scaling hosting resources correctly: maxing out resource capacity results in major slow down, buffering, frame loss, errors and users not being able to connect.
Plans are balanced with service reliability and performance in mind (to prevent disconnects, long buffering, latency).

Not to be confused with budget hosting plans that advertise very high or unlimited bandwidth/space that can’t be used due to missing services or hidden constraints.
The secret behind budget host offers is hosting hundreds of sites on a server and hidden terms and practices that never allow using too much bandwidth or space. In example:

  • no live streaming server software present or allowed, to prevent clients from using too much cpu/memory/bitrate
  • ffmpeg not available and not allowed as it requires high cpu, disabling video/stream analysis, conversions, transcoding, snapshots
  • processing limitations that kill demanding processes like video conversion for bigger files (including memory, cpu, simultaneous processes)
  • space limitations that apply for video / file sharing sites as exception to “unlimited space”, in hidden terms
  • upload limitations that prevent users from uploading big videos
  • restrictive resource limitations that slows your site as soon as it begins to have some traffic
  • shared bandwidth on 10Mbps or 100 Mbps shared connection for hundreds of sites where you will not be able to use much of the “unlimited” bandwidth
  • prices they list are for very long term like 3 years, so webmasters commit before being able to test on monthly basis or use for limited time projects/experiments: while tests with few users can go smoothly at beginning, when load increases site can no longer handle the large volume of traffic due to limited resources

Our main business is live video streaming software and we provide realistic hosting plans where our client sites can fully work and perform. All our plans are premium, with advanced functionality, on powerful servers and networks that host a limited number of premium sites.

* Mogul

  • These plans refer to performance beyond regular dedicated server grade, on high spec servers with more disks in RAID, more CPU threads and memory availble for other server services.
    While on a dedicated server with 32Gb RAM that’s used for operating system, streaming services and web account processes, on Mogul plan 36Gb is available in full to web account and there’s more RAM on server for operating system, cache, streaming services. Same for CPU cores: while on a dedicated server there’s 8 cores for everything, on Mogul plan there’s +8 cores available web account and more cores for system tasks.